Product Development
Whether you need additional resources or additional expertise NextGen can help. We offer expertise in the following areas:
Project Management

Project Management costs money, not managing projects costs more. NextGen Development Solutions LLC can help.
Compliance Tracking

Have you documented all your requirements? Are you tracking the status of each? What is your method of establishing compliance? If you can't answer these questions you're at risk.

Whether your needs be Test Plan development, Test Fixture design and construction, or plan execution NextGen Development Solutions can help.

Fluid and Thermodynamics as well as single and two phase heat transfer analysis are core compentencies of NextGen Development Solutions LLC.

Our staff is accomplished at Machine Design, Electronics and Electronics Packaging, Sheet Metal Design, and Fluid and Material Conveyance in Industrial, Telecom, and Aerospace environments.

Regardless of whether cost or time is your barrier through technology selection and supplier relationships we can help.
Process Development
Processes within Product Development have an affect throughout the organization. From Estimating to Field Service inefficient processes and tools promote waste. If your staff is spending time looking for contracts, requirements, test results, component quotes and their like instead of developing new product your resources are being wasted. NextGen can help both with process improvement and recommendations on software ranging from Open Source PLM, CAD, and analysis tools to commercial offerings such as Mentor Graphics, 3DS, and AutoDesk.
Configuration Management

Struggling with configured product? Do your drawings match your ERP system? Is the information QA and Purchasing needs readily available? Let NextGen help audit and improve your processes.
Product Lifecycle Managment

Are you still using a legacy EDM system or saving your CAD models to a network share? PLM can transform your organazation for the better, but only if the right tool for your organization is deployed.
Open Source Solutions

Not every organization can justify the high cost of software licenses for every need. From ERP to a basic office suite viable Open Source solutions exist. Based on the needs of your organization NextGen Development Solutions LLC can recommend and even deploy solutions.